Growing a startup business can be hard enough at the best of times; getting as much help as you can is always something useful to consider. Attendees at the Maidenhead Coworking event on Wednesday 7th December were lucky enough to hear from Susan Elliott of the Berkshire Business Growth Hub on effective techniques for business planning to create, deliver and capture value.
Without working out what differentiates you from the rest of the market, what will make you stand out and be successful? Sometimes a new idea that mixes up the conventional wisdom can provide such disruption to an industry that you can exploit. An excellent example was given regarding Xerox who in the early days provided cheap copying machines to companies who didn’t think they needed them and charged by the copy. Before long copying had become an integral part of the office environment and Xerox were making a fortune.
We were taken through the Business Model Canvas demonstrating how to create an effective business plan through identifying your key partners, key activities, key resources, value proposition etc. This presentation along with the others that the Maidenhead Coworking group have enjoyed to date are all on the resources sections of this website for download.
Many thanks to Susan and everyone who made it to the Maidenhead Coworking group that day.